
Takeback-function and its use

Taking back moves feels more like a chess variant than chess to me. It basically gives my opponent 2 attempts at a move to my single move. It's just a strange way to play the game. I never allow it because if I wanted to play a variant I'd have started a variant game in the first place.
Pre-moves are a strategy intended to win on time or intimidate your opponent. I never give a take back for a pre-move. I am usually pretty generous with take back requests. I don't offer take backs if my opponent makes a move that I anticipated... essentially walking into a tactic that I am specifically preparing. I will say that in my case, when I play from my phone, I sometimes get moves that I didn't intend. Not quite sure why, but suspect it has to do with the way I am holding the phone that interferes with the touch screen. For me, if I offer a take back and win anyway, it's kind of a show of superior play. I also rarely ask for take backs. I kind of like the challenge of recovering from a blunder.
i only mouslip in tournaments where takeback is not allowed, once lost a bhisop,a knight and a rook in one move (somehow)
Ignore them and focus. Maybe they will make a mistake and ask for a takeback?
@sandcastel said in #13:
> For me, if I offer a take back and win anyway, it's kind of a show of superior play.

I almost never win after a misclick. It amazes me how just one mistake, even if it's not that bad, puts you back in the game because it puts you out of position and gives your opponent the initiative.

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